Our Friends in Preservation

Sandwich Historical Society
Located in Center Sandwich, New Hampshire, the mission of the Sandwich Historical Society is to collect and preserve the material culture and historical record of the town of Sandwich, and to use these resources in service to the public through educational experiences and outreach to the community.
Holderness Historical Society
We are a seasonal organization dedicated to preserving our town’s history, providing educational experiences and informative programs to the public, collecting artifacts and maintaining our museum, and providing an avenue for research.
On August 28, 1961, the first meeting of the Holderness Historical Society was held at the home of Susan Bacon Keith. Through the next years meetings were held in private homes, the Community Church and the firehouse. When the New Hampshire Baptist Convention declared the North Holderness Church defunct the Historical Society purchased the building and had it moved from Perch Pond Road to Curry Place in 1994.
Ashland Historical Society
For over 100 years the Society’s members have volunteered their time and knowledge to preserve the history of Ashland, Massachusetts and provide information to those who seek it. We are very fortunate to have as our home The Ocean House, built in 1748 by one of our earliest settlers. We invite you to select among the categories on the left to read the “Stories of Ashland” written by Steve Leacu and Kay Powers, originally appearing in The Ashland Directions paper. See the menu items above to contact us, learn about membership in the Society, and view upcoming events.
We welcome inquiries about Ashland’s past. We have extensive information on Ashland’s genealogy, businesses and buildings. We also welcome your pictures and stories and participation.
Center Harbor Historical Society
The Centre Harbor Historical Society was founded in 1971, under the guiding force of Gladys Bickford (1911-1997). The Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to collect and preserve objects and facts of historical interest to the Town of Center Harbor, NH. The Society also participates in projects designed to preserve or improve the Town's historical image.